Fall. Leaves. Fabric. Action.
The wait for clear water is over. Fall is here. Winter is near. The north breeze and cold dry air set the stage.
Collaboration in art is like a dance. I shoot plenty of swim. But there is a line between that, and shooting planned, themed, compositions. Especially in such cold water, in winter conditions with tidal currents. Images like these have been goals for my friend Jill and I for some time now. Experiments earlier this year were promising, and once summer’s seasonal algae speckles were gone, and the water turned clear again….off we went.
These images were a little extra interesting because the process was also being filmed from above the water for an upcoming documentary. This photo shoot but one small facet of the overall, but should be interesting to see none the less. Look for more about that at the City of Tacoma’s Ground to Sound Film Festival. https://www.groundtosoundfilmandartfest.com/
For the leaves in the second image, we actually collected from shore and brought them out into the water. Juggling the leaves, the long fabric, camera, etc., proved to be more difficult than expected. And the current was running the opposite direction of what the tide chart seemed to show for the day. The sky was fogged over heavily, so we worked with what we had. You don’t get to just hang out in the water for a long time and wait for conditions to change. With Jill not wearing a wetsuit, the clock is running fast.
The results? Personally - I think they turned out stunning.
I hope you enjoy them too.